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Carla Bruni Tabs

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Quelqu'un M'a Dit
Carla Bruni
J'en Connais
Carla Bruni
You Belong to Me
Carla Bruni
Spring Waltz
Carla Bruni
You Belong To Me
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
Ballade At Thirty-five
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
Mon Amour Mon Ami
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
La noyée
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
Tout Le Monde
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
Ma Jeunesse
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
Le Temps Perdu
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
Notre Grand Amour Est Mort
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
I Felt My Life With Both My Hands
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
Promises Like Pie-crust
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
Before The World Was Made
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
Lady Weeping At The Crossroads
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
La noyée
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
At Last the Secret Is Out
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
Je Suis Une Enfant
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
Il Vecchio E Il Bambino
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
Le Plus Beau Du Quartier
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
Déranger les pierres
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
Tu Es Ma Came
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
Chanson Triste
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
Salut Marin
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
Comme Si De Rien N Etait
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
If You Were Coming In The Fall
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
Ta Tienne
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
Péché d'envie
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
Le Toi Du Moi
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
La possibilité d'une île
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
I Went To Heaven
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
Carla Bruni
The song has only chords
La Dernière Minute
Carla Bruni
Those Dancing Days Are Gone
Carla Bruni

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