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Some folks see the world as a stone

Con crete daubed in dull mono tone

Your heart is the big box of paints

 And others, the canvas we're dealt

Your heart is the big box of paints

 How coloured the flowers all smelled

 As they huddled there, in petalled prayer

They told me this, as I knelt there


Awaken you dreamers, adrift in your beds


Balloons and streamers decorate the inside of your heads

 Please let some out, Do it today

 But don't let the loveless ones sell you a world wrapped in grey

Some folks pull this life like a weight

Drab and dragging dreams made of slate

Your heart is the big box of paints

And others, the canvas we're dealt

Your heart is the big box of paints

…Just think how the old masters felt! They called…

Awaken you dreamers, asleep at your desks

Parrots and lemurs, populate your unconscious grotesques

Please let some out, Do it today,

Don't let the loveless ones sell you a world wrapped in grey

 And in the very least you can stand up naked and grin!