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Streetlight Manifesto - Down Down Down to Mephisto’s Cafe


If I were you, I would take this as a sign

Believe it's true, we were never meant to fly

And I owe you, I know you more than anyone alive

And I will not let it go


Riff#2 (Verse) Vertical bars show the timing and listen to the song.


  ( __ )

They will not remember this song

No matter what we do we'll be wrong

 They will not remember this song

No matter what we do we'll be wrong



I can't seem to see the seal we're breaking, I can't seem to see the seal we broke

I refuse to recognize your views,

Someone shouted "Everything's for nothing", somebody shouted, "All is lost"

But I can't buy that nonsense too

Way back when the prophecies began, do you think they really had a master plan

Or were they merely writing fables, stories?

I don't know but it has occurred to me, the punishment that they threaten constantly

It's only real if they could just convince me

 We're going down, down, down to Mephisto's Cafe

 Down, down, down to Mephisto's Café. We're going down !

And the gears will spin and the sinners sin, but at least we'll give them hell

 And the righteous few will spit on you, so bid them all farewell

 We're going down, down, down to Mephisto's Cafe


We're going down (Right?) (Right!)



 So fuck the flocks of sheep that keep amassing masses

Asses being led so far astray

And I won't claim to believe the things I read, black books or agenda magazine

I'd rather see in shades of gray


Same as intro)

If I were you, I would take this as a sign

Believe it's true, we were never meant to fly

--->(Acapella)or same the end of the intro part (see above)<---

And I knew you when you were you

Before they twisted all your views

Before you came unglued


 We're going down, down, down to Mephisto's Cafe

 Down, down, down to Mephisto's Café. We're going down !

And the gears will spin and the sinners sin, but at least we'll give them hell

 And the righteous few will spit on you, so bid them all farewell

 We're going down, down, down to Mephisto's Cafe

 We're going down (Right?) (Right!)

Whistled (horn part)



(Riff#1) until bridge

Now everybody's telling taller tales

 And I don't know who to believe

 Ok, if your father really loves you more

 What about the other families?

Finally, I met a man with kindness in his eyes and fire in his heart

He said you'll never have to choose a side

 It's rewarding but oh, the road is hard....

They broke him wide open

 Like a dam and a cork that's holding everything inside

You can play the role of rebel

 Just be sure to know your wrong from your right


I remember it was years ago

 You know I still count the days

You and I had quite a ways to go

 I never once heard you complain

And you said

Don't crack, because you might not make it back

 And if you do you will be alone and you can't live like that

 Well I know when I'm wrong and I sure as hell ain't wrong this time


 We're going down, down, down to Mephisto's Cafe

 Down, down, down to Mephisto's Café. We're going down !

And the gears will spin and the sinners sin, but at least we'll give them hell

 And the righteous few will spit on you, so bid them all farewell

 We're going down, down, down to Mephisto's Cafe

 We're going down (Right?) (Right!)