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Standard (EADGBE)


Verse 1

 You thought of us before the world began to breathe

 You knew our names before we came to be

 You saw the very day we'd fall away from You

 And how desperately we need to be redeemed


 Lord Jesus come lead us

 We're desperate for Your touch


Oh Great and Mighty One, with one desire we come

That You would reign, that You would reign in us

We're offering up our lives, a living sacrifice

That You would reign, that You would reign in us

Verse 2

Spirit of the Living God fall fresh again

Come search our hearts and purify our lives

We need Your perfect love, we need Your discipline

We're lost unless You guide us with Your light


 We cry out for Your life to revive us, cry out

 For Your love to defy us, cry out

 For Your mercy to keep us blameless until You return


 So, reign please reign in us

 Come purify our hearts, we need Your touch

 Come cleanse us like a flood and send us out

 So the world may know You reign You reign in us