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Down a half step (D♯G♯C♯F♯)




When I was young I was the nicest guy I knew

I thought I was the chosen one

But time went by and I found out a thing or two

My shine wore off as time wore on

I thought that I was living out the perfect life

But in the lonely hours when the truth begins to surprise

I thought about the times when I turned my back and sulked

I ain't no nice guy after all

The Second verse is the same chords and there is an extra line...

I ain't no nice guy after all


In all the years you spend between your birth and death

You know there's lots of times when you should have saved your breath

It comes as quite a shock when that trip leads to a fall

 I ain't no nice guy after all

I ain't no nice guy after all


The third verse the first verse repeated but with the added line...

I ain't no nice guy after all

In my opinion, it couldn't be any simpler... If you have any question or if anything is

to understand you can contact me by leaving a comment. Listen to the song while playing

check out Lemmy and Phil's unplugged version on Youtube.

