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We're alright now

But what about the future?

We're alright now

But what about the future?

You've got an IQ that's so bloody high

 And i watch Rugrats and it makes me cry

If i drink so much that i miss my flight

 Would you drive to the airport in the middle of the night?

There's a thousand things that i'de do for you

 But i'll never miss an episode of Doctor Who

These days won't last forever

Could you make it last forever?

Well i'm just a geek and you're no fool

 You'll have to tell me what to wear so that i can look cool

Say i take a test online one day

 And the results say i might be 42% gay

Well if this makes you laugh and you still want me

 You better wait until you've met my family

These days won't last forever

Could you make it last forever?

Oh we will both like Steven Fry

 He's such a clever f***ing guy

Oh my

And if we've got no money just a clapped out van

 We'll have an ironic trip to a caravan

We'll sit in the van in a seaside town

 Feeding chips to the seagulls as it chucks it down

And then one evening for a special treat

 We'll have a nice curry while the kids are asleep

These days won't last forever

Could you make it last forever?

But if we do quite well then i'll make you ski

 We'll go twice a year amd you'll be cross with me

But we'll live in a house with a swimming pool

 You'll have ducks and chickens and an aga too

In the summer you can go for a daily swim

 And i'll buy a tardis and i'll stick it in the gym

These days wont last forever

Could you make it last forever?

Oh we will both like Steven Fry

 He's such a clever f***ing guy

Oh my

We're alright now

But what about the futuuuuure?!

And then one day when we're really old

 And we're all cooched up so we don't get cold

You'll be dressed in purple and i'll be fat

 And i'll kiss you on the cheek

 What'd you think of that?

These days won't last forever

Could you make it last forever?

These days won't last forever

Would you make it last?

 Could you make it last?

 Would you maaake iiiit laaast


Diddly ba ba

 Diddly do do

Diddly ba ba

 Diddly do do