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Standard (EADGBE)

Oh, how could it be that my God

 Would welcome me into this mystery.

 Say take this bread take this wine,

 Now the simple made divine for any to receive.

 By your mercy we come to your table,

 By your grace you are making us faithful.

 Lord, we remember you.

 And remembrance leads us to worship.

 And as we worship you,

 Our worship leads to Communion.

 We respond to your invitation, we remember you.

 See his body his blood

 Know that he has overcome every trial we will face

 None too lost to be saved,

 None too broken or ashamed, all are welcome in this place

 By your mercy we come to your table,

 By your grace you are making us faithful.

 Lord, we remember you.

 And remembrance leads us to worship.

 And as we worship you,

 Our worship leads to Communion.

 We respond to your invitation, We remember you.

 Dying you destroyed our death

 Rising you restored our life

 Lord Jesus come in glory, Lord Jesus come in glory

 Lord Jesus come in glory, Lord Jesus come in glory

 Lord, we remember you.

 And remembrance leads us to worship.

 And as we worship you,

 Our worship leads to Communion.

 We respond to your invitation,

 We respond to your invitation we remember you.