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Standard (EADGBE)


Listen to see the pattern of back and forth for C#maj9 & C#2)

Oo oo oo oo oo

(Same chords repeat through verses)

Verse 1

I think I feel like sleepin in

I won't woke up 'til Friday night

The moment the weekend begins

 I'm packing up my ride and I'm [G#m7#5]leaving

 Headin straight towards the door


When I get there

 You better be ready to rocksteady

Oh Ooooo

Verse 2

same as first)

I think I feel like sleepin in

Last night was crazy outta sight

After my rest the fun begins

I'm packing up my ride and I'm leaving

Headed straight towards your door


First the song begins

You start movin' and

I get caught up in the rhythm of your hips

 And I just can't wait to take this party home

| / slide up

| \ slide down

 | hammer-on

| p pull-off

| ~ vibrato

| + harmonic

| x Mute note

 | Bend

| pb Pre-bend

| br Bend release

| pbr Pre-bend release

| brb Bend release bend