Standard (EADGBE)
You don't need no friends Get back your faith again
You have the power to belie__ie__ie_ieve_____
Another dissident Take back your evidence
It has no power to decei__ei__eive___
I'll_ believe it_ when I see_ it_ for myse__e____elf
I don't need no one___ to tell me about hea__ven__
I look at my daughter, and I believe__.
I don't need no proof__ when it comes to God__ and truth__
I can see the sunset and I perceive_
I sit with them all night Everything they say is right
But in the morning they were wro__o___o__ong_____
I'll be right by your side Come hell or water high
Down any road you choose to roa___oa__oam___
I'll_ believe__ it_ when I see_ it_ for myself
I don't need no one___ to tell me about hea__ven__
I look at my daughter, and I believe.
I don't need no proof__ when it comes to God__ and truth__
I can see the sunset and I per________ceive_______ yeah
Darling, I belie____ie___ieve, Oh Lord
Sometimes it's hard to brea___ea____eathe, Lord
At the bottom of the sea___ea___ea___ea, yeah yeah
I'll_ believe__ it_ when I see_ it_ for myse____e____elf___________
Chords used in chorus only: E 079900