Standard (EADGBE)

Solo chords

Intro chords

Verse 1

I have fallen to my knee s

As I sing a lullaby of pain

Im feeling broken in my melody

As I sing to help the tears go away


Then I remember the pledge you made to me


I know you’re always th ere

To hear my every p rayer inside I’m clinging to

The promise of a lifetime

I hear the words you s ay

To never walk a way from me and leave behind

The promise of a life time


Verse 2

Will you help me fall apart?

Pick me up take me in your arm s

I find my way back from this st orm

And you show me how to grow through the chang e


I still remember the pledge you made to me


I know you’re always th ere

To hear my every p rayer inside I’m clinging to

The promise of a lifetime

I hear the words you s ay

To never walk a way from me and leave behind

The promise of a life time

Verse 3

I am holding onto the hope I have insid e

With you I will stay through eve ryday

Putting my understanding as ide

Quiet chorus

I am confident

To know you’re always th ere

To hear my every pra yer inside I’m clinging to

The promise of a lifetime

I hear the words you say

To never walk a way from me and leave behind

The promise of a life time

Ending Chorus

I know you’re always th ere

To hear my every p rayer inside I’m clinging to

The promise of a lifetime

Looking back at me

I know that you can see my heart is open to

The promise of a life time

So this is my version of the song and hopefuly it gives you an accurate representation

"promise of a lifetime"...if not then feel free to comment on what needs to be changed