Standard (EADGBE)

So this is Christmas And what have you done

And so this is Christmas For weak and for strong

And so this is Christmas And what have we done

Another year over

For rich and the poor ones

Another year over

And a new one just begun and so this is

The world is so wrong And so happy

A new one just begun And so happy

Christmas I hope you have fun

Christmas For black and for white

Christmas We hope you have fun

The near and the dear one

For yellow and red ones

The near and the dear one

The old and the young A very merry

Let’s stop all the fight

The old and the young

Christmas And a happy New Year

Let’s hope it’s a good one

Without any fear

War is over If you want it

War is over


Duration Legend

W - whole

H - half

Q - quarter

E - 8th

S - 16th

T - 32nd

X - 64th

. - note dotted

|-n-| - n-tuplets

L - tied note

x - dead note

g - grace note

(n) - ghost note

> - accentuded note

NH - natural harmonic

AH - artificial harmonic

TH - tapped harmonic

SH - semi harmonic

PH - pitch harmonic

h - hammer on

p - pull off

b - bend

br - bendRelease

pb - preBend

pbr - preBendRelease

brb - bendReleaseBend

\n/ - tremolo bar dip

\n - tremolo bar dive

-/n - tremolo bar Release up

/n\ - tremolo bar inverted dip

/n - tremolo bar return

-\n - tremolo bar Release down

S - shift slide

s - legato slide

/ - slide into from below or out of upwards

\ - slide into from above or out of downwards

~ - vibrato

W - wide vibrato

tr - trill

TP - tremolo picking

T - tapping

S - slap

P - pop

< - fade in

^ - brush up

v - brush down