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Standard (EADGBE)


This is how the three chords are played - very typical Jason Mraz chords.

The brackets () around the notes in the Em7 indicate that these two notes aren't

played all the time. The high B on the 7th fret is rarely heard, and isn't very

important. The open E-string isn't played until later in the song, simply to add

some excitement and power later in the song.

E:--(0)-- ---8--- -------:

Strumming pattern:

Every bar follows the same strumming pattern. This bar is just an example of the

first bar of Em7. The (x) means to strum and mute the strings with your right

palm. This is done to create the "snare drum-feeling" on the beats 2 and 4.

x then means to usually strum the strings while they're muted with your left

hand fingers. This is also a very typical Mraz-pattern, also used for Butterfly,

when he plays that acoustic.