Get Plus

Standard (EADGBE)

 Chords Used:

 Obsession is my favorite drug

I know I just can't get enough

 Cause I want ya

 And I'll be goddamned if I give up at the start

 I'll make you hot, I'm makin' a scene

Just give all your attention to me

 Cause I want ya

 And I'll be goddamned if I give up at the start

*the rhythm changes a bit here, let the chords ring out a bit after each strum,

listen to the song and you'll get it*

Oh yeah


*Second verse is same as the first with a pause on the "top"*

Give me the chance and I'll blow your top

Just let me in and I'll never stop

Cause I want ya

And I'll be goddamned if I give up at the start

So go ahead and play hard to get

Cause I just get a kick out of it

And I want ya

And I'll be goddamned if I give up at the start


Oh yeah

| / slide up

| \ slide down

| h hammer-on

| p pull-off

| ~ vibrato

| + harmonic

| x Mute note

| b Bend

| pb Pre-bend

| br Bend release

| pbr Pre-bend release

| brb Bend release bend