Get Plus

Standard (EADGBE)





Shono aamra ki shobai

Bondhu hote parina

Joto purono oteet

Bhule jete parina

Jani hotash she dine

Shupto chilo chetona

Ashole tuchcho she bibaad

Obodomito bedona

Shono aamra ki shobai ...

Shono aamra ki shobai ...


Shono ke deke jae amae

Deke amae swagoto janae


Shorik hote

Dyakho ke dichche hathchhani

Shamne shudin aami jani

Parbe ki tumi

 Aamar shongi hote


Jani nishshwo chile tumi

Ronoklanto amio

Aar judhdho jite phire

Shanti-te ghumio

Aaj swapner aakash-e

Jodi rongdhonu othe

Kal gaitei pare gaan

Shob shotru ekjote

Shono aamra ki shobai ...

Shono aamra ki shobai ...

Guitar solo

(8th pos.) (8th pos.) (5th pos.) (10th pos.) X2


Shojashoji aaj torko hok

Chokhe chokh rekhe di dhomok

Hoye jak fayesla

Tra la la la tra la la

Moner shob ondhokar kone

Bhol bojhabujhi jaal bone

 Aamar bishshash nei khomaye

 Esho shashti di aaj tomay


Ei gaan-tai hote pare

Bondhutter hathkora

Gaan-tai bholate pare

Shob obhijog mongora

 Opomaner cactus-

Khotobkhkhoto smriti-ta

Bhule ekhanei tene di

Shob jhograr iti-ta

Repeat Verse1

Shono aamra ki shobai ...

Shono aamra ki shobai ...

Shono aamra ki shobai ...

Shono aamra ki shobai ...

This is the first chords of Mission F that I'm posting.

The album released just 4 days ago.