Standard (EADGBE)


 Such was the expression of the child

 As he bounced across my windscreen

 And off the other side.

 That I got the strong impression

 For a second that he wasn't so much angry

 As incredibly surprised.

 As I watched him in my rear view mirror slowly slip away,

 I turned to my instructor and I felt I had to say,

 Do you think we should reschedule the test?

 'Cause I'm starting now to think it might be best.

 Either way, I'm pretty sure

 You could have taught me clutch control

 In a playground that was emptier than this.

 Such was the blind panic of the boy scouts

 As I backed into the duck pond

 In the middle of the green.

 That it became a little clearer

 Why the mirror said that objects featured in it

 Might be closer than they seem.

 As I watched the displaced goldfish flapping vainly on the grass

 I smiled at the policeman and I felt I had to ask,

 Would a fifty maybe make this go away?

 'Cause I really don't have time for this today.

 Besides which how am I supposed to learn to drive

 When everywhere I turn there's

 Five or six small children getting in the way.

I would later learn that was the moment

 The SWAT team was mobilised

 And that the car chase that followed

 Was globally televised.

In fact I'm told that they

 Still use the footage for police training video

 And though I've not seen it personally

 I've learned that it basically shows

(From here to the end just repeat the intro pattern G#, C#, Fm, C#)

 Me and my instructor tearing down the autobahn

 Doing ninety in a Mazda with the handbrake on

 Ploughing recklessly through traffic, cones and trees.

 I am Thelma to his terrified Louise

 And all the while I got him screaming in my head

 That I should probably change up out of second gear,

 Check my mirrors, keep my hands at two and ten

 And maybe give some thought to turning myself in.

But in spite of everything,

 We made it to the border

 Though the last two miles was in reverse

 Up the hard shoulder.

That old car was dead,

 But somehow we'd survived.

We climbed out of the wreck

 And solemnly high-fived.

So that's how me and my instructor

Moved to Switzerland.

Opened up a little cafe

In the hinterland.

And though I never got my licence, in the end,

I found something so much better

A brand new, bestest friend.