Standard (EADGBE)


He got lost from his unit in the j ungle alone,

with the enemy on the ad vance;

As the bullets and tracers flew over his head,

he knew that he didn't have a chance.

He fired his rifle and tried to be brave,

though his senses were frightened and numb;

He lay on the ground with a lump in his throat

'Cause he knew that the end would soon come.

But back home a mother was down on her knees

praying, "Be with my son, keep him safe, Father, please."

When it all looked so hopeless, just a one-sided fight,

his deliverance flew into the night.

And the enemy scattered as the chopper touched down

and lifted the soldier off the hard killing ground;

He could feel the LORD's presence in the hot jungle air,

surrounded by mercy, protected by prayer.

She had to work late, she was hurrying along,

trying to get home before dark;

Against her better judgement, she turned from her way,

and took the shortcut that ran through the park.

With night falling quickly and no one around,

from the deep shadows there stepped a man;

She noticed the cold, evil look in his eyes,

then she saw the knife in his hand.

She cried out, "LORD, Jesus, I'm one of Your own,

send me help, LORD, you know I can't face this alone."

As the powers of heaven fought the forces of hell,

the man tripped and stumbled and fell.

She walked through the darkness without worry or fear,

knowing nothing could harm her 'cause her angel was near

No evil could touch her, no demon would dare,

surrounded by mercy, protected by prayer.


He who abides in the Almighty's shadow shall be kept

'neath His sheltering wing;

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow,

I will not fear any thing.

He was a good husband and the father of two,

It all began harmless e nough.

He started out trying the drugs just for fun,

Then he was hooked on the stuff.

He was out on the street just a t hief and a bum,

He was dirty and out of co ntrol.

But his family wouldn’t give up. They cried out to God,

and prayed for his lost troubled soul

Then one day a street preacher walked up to him.

He said “friend did you know Jesus died for your sins?”

I’ve been sent to help you find salvation’s door.

You can’t live like this any- more

And the heavens were opened and conviction fell down.

And he cried out for mercy as he knelt on the ground

When he stood up, his soul was in the Good Shepherd’s care,

surrounded by mercy, protected by prayer.

Surrounded by mercy, protected by prayer.