Standard (EADGBE)


18 years have c ome and gone

For momma they flew by

But for me they drug on and on

We were l oading up that Chevy

Both tryin' not to cry

Momma kept on talking

Putting off good-bye

Then she took my hand and s aid

Baby don't forget

Before you hit the highway

You b etter stop for gas

There's a 50 in ashtray

In case you run short on cash

Here's a m ap and here's a Bible

If you ever loose your way

Just one more thing before you lea ve

Don't forget to remember m e

This downtown apartment sure m akes me miss home

and those b ills there on the counter

Keep telling me I'm on my own

And just like every Sunday I called momma up last night

And even when it's not, I tell her e verything's alright

Before we hung up I s aid

Hey momma, don't forget

To tell my baby sister I'll see her in the fall

And tell mee-maw that I miss her

Yeah, I should give her a call

And make sure you tell Daddy that I'm still his little g irl

Yeah I still feel like I'm where I'm supposed to be

Don't forget to remember me

Tonight I find myself kneeling by the bed to pr ay

I haven't done this in a w hile

So I d on't know what to say but

Lord I feel so small some times in this big ol' p lace

I know there are more important th ings, but

Don't forget to remember me

Don't forget to remember me