Get Plus

Standard (EADGBE)

Alternate fingering:

Just make sure you feel comfortable playing this, if you play lead

it's the only thing you'll be playing for the entire song.

Now for the chords:

Intro and chorus:

Do you believe in ESP?

I do and I'm trying to get through to you

If you're picking up off me

Then you know just what to do - think!

(That chord progression is repeated during all the choruses, well, the only

bits with vocals really.)

Verses/Instrumental parts:

 Ending on:

The song fades out with the verse progression.

The rhythm guitar part isn't really heard all that well in the mix,

but use barre chords and trebly distortion. (Gotta love those HH amps!)

| / slide up

| \ slide down

| h hammer-on

| p pull-off

| ~ vibrato

| + harmonic

| x Mute note

| b Bend

| pb Pre-bend

| br Bend release

| pbr Pre-bend release

| brb Bend release bend