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Standard (EADGBE)

"These thoughts are old," etc...

Next part (chorus?):

play the pickup notes to the first chord(dm) on the A string on 3rd fret(c) then 4th


  [dm] / Cadd12/

  "Hard to believe/ that after all this time/ that after all this


I'm/ still me(an?)"

Then go back to the A-F-C part (guitars only)

Next Part:

 [dm] / Cadd12/

 "No one wants to hear/ what you dreamt about, unless you dreamt about/

 [dm] [dm] / Cadd12/

 them. Dont let that stop you/ you tell them anyway/ and you

  [dm] [fm]

can make it up/ as yooouuuuu gooooooo"

Next Part:

note, I'm not entirely sure of the name of one of the chords in this progression. The

thing is actually played arpeggiated, but if you're singing it solo, you'd want to strum

the rest of the song. I'm calling the chord in question D#Maj(add9). I think that's

Anyway, its played like this, arpeggiated or not:

-1- -x-

-2- -6-|

-0- or -6-|

-1- -5-|

-x- -6-

-x- -x-

Here's the progression:

**[em/C]? [dm] D#Maj(add9)

"I'm already gone now/ you are outside just waiting

After the last part of the verse "and alot is always goin' on," it ends on a C chord

Guitar solo chords

A#-F-em/C-dm-D#Maj(add9) which is basically the same things as before, but with the A#

the front


this is kind of weird, and more than one instrument is making up all of the harmonies

melodies, but i play it like this if im just strumming by myself (each little part is

in 8th notes--as in "one and two and three and four and") Sorry, I dont know how to make

sound clearer. Oh, and it starts of on that A# chord like in the guitar solo part, then

goes to this:

-x-x -x-x -x-x----------|

-x-x -x-x -x-x----------|

-x-x 4x -x-x 4x -x-x 8x------| THE END

-6-5 -6-5 -6-5----------|

-x-x -4-4 -6-6----------|

-4-4 -x-x -x-x----------|