Standard (EADGBE)

All the streets are filled with laughter and light

and the music of the season

and the merchant's windows are all bright

with the faces of the ch ildren

and the families hurry into thei r homes

as the sky darkens and f reezes

We'll be gathering around our he arths and tables

Giving thanks for God's graces

and the birth of the rebel Jesus

Well they call him by the Prince of Peace

And they call him by the Savior

and they pray to Him upon the seats

and in every bold endeav or

and they fill His chuches with t heir pride and gold

as their faith in Him in creases

but they've turned the nature th at I worship in

from a temple to a robbe r's den

in the words of the rebel Jesus

We guard our world with locks and guns

and we guard our fine posessions

and once a year when christmas comes

we give to our r elations

and perhaps we give a li ttle to the poor

if the generosity should seize us

but if anyone of us shou ld interfere

in the business of why t here are poor

we'll get the same as the rebel Jesus

but pardon me if I have seemed

to take the tone of judgment

for I've no wish to come between

this day and you r enjoyment

in a life of hardship an d of earthly toil

there's a need for anyth ing that frees us

So I bid you pleasure an d I bid you cheer

from a heathen and a pag an

on the side of the rebel Jesus