Standard (EADGBE)


(play primarily the bottom three strings, and then once he does a little

sweep of the top strings, just listen).

I knew a woman once

giving b irth to kittens and mice

And as you know, with their eating habbits

Those poor mice had to d ie

So the kittens were born

f ull of their brothers and sisters

And they were punished swi ftly

though they did not know w hy

They thought they were food

they did not know what they'd d one

And I was a person once

s ending off unread letters

receiving no re ply

never bothering asking w hy

I had a heart once

full of fire and passion

but the summer took it away from me

And autumn has come to re trieve it

Autumn has come to retr ieve it

And I was a man once

When I was six years old

but now I am just a boy

pretentious and brash and b old

The kittens were murdered

thrown into burlap sacks

and weighted down with r ocks

in a river deep and b lack

And th - ey went to Heaven.

Th - ey went to Heaven.

I'm tabbing this without a G string on my acoustic, so I hope it sounds fine (shouldn't

make a difference). Enjoy and keep supporting AJJ...incredible band that shows just

how much simple chords can do.