Standard (EADGBE)

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When I was questioned, I shook my head and stared

I was traveling alone, and had nothing to declare

He asked how I knew for sure and would I tell everyone I knew

If it would hurt to know the truth

I can be thankful to be alive but I despise this li fe.

in all my years, at best, have only learned just to su rvive.

But When I look around you I understand why you beli eve

I see your evidence of God, all around me

You have so therefore you are But I have not.

You've seen the evidence of God but I have not and I have none

(When he asked me,) I shook my head and laughed

I never had a taste for life and I felt there was no turning back

Would I try to take away their hope? Replace it with reality

Exchange their joy with my bleak view And leave them miserable like me?

I have searched and I have tried to find a place where I can b e

I love my homeland dearly but never carved a place in so ciety

But When I look around you I understand why you bel ieve

I see your evidence of God, all around me

You have so therefore you are, but I have not

You are too rich for hate, and I am too poor to l ove.

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When I asked him, he shook his head and stared

I see no evidence of God, in the men f rom the west

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