Standard (EADGBE)

I was here when the call came through, Jill

and I screened it like I always do, Jill

and they hung up on the machine

just like you, Jill

well, that sounds like one of your stunts, Jill

and I'm only gonna say this once, Jill

you haven't left a message for me

in a couple of months, Jill

I'm not blaming you, Jill

this is hard to do, Jill

but I still don't know why I always feel like crying, crying, cry ing

I'm still having some trouble tying up your loose ends, Jill

and I still see life through the same distorted lens, Jill

and I think I may have said some things about you

in front of some of your friends, Jill

well, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, Jill

but these are not normally people with whom I have dealings, Jill

I still spend most of my time in silence alone

staring at ceilings, Jill

but you know all that, Jill

what I'm getting at, Jill

is I can't stop not knowing

why I never don't feel like crying, crying, crying