Standard (EADGBE)

Everything seems to go wrong when I stop d rinking

Everything seemed to go my way la st night

Everything seems so wrong to me this morning

I know things will be brighter later ton ight

On L udlow St

Chinatown's coming on Ludlow St

Puerto Rican's are runnin' on Ludlow St

Soon, musicians will haunt it on Ludlow St

Where I ndians once hunted

And it's hard

Just m ove along

While I surrendered my ego you fe d yours

All my fantasies died when you s aid yours

I have dangled my pride to forg et yours,

Will my mind be at ease when you get yours?

We'll find out soon en ough

It started back in 162 4

The Lenape tribes would soon get forced from their h ome

Soon we'll all get pushed out as soon as I get sober

I remember why I drank it all a way

On Ludlow St

( )

Nauseous regrets are calling me on the ph one

My shoes, they seem to be my only home .

The only thing to last will be my bone s.

Oh, tonight you'll hear the animals next door to you moan.

On Ludlow St .

Faces are changing on Ludlow St .

Yuppies invading on L udlow St.

Night life is raging on Ludlow S t.

History's fading.

And it's hard... to just move alon g.

While I surrendered my ego, you fed yours.

All my fantasies died when you said yours .

I have dangled my pride to forget yours .

Will my mind be at ease when you get your s?

We'll find out soon enoug h.

While they defended their ego, you fed yours .

All their fantasies died when you said your s.

They have dangled their pride to forget your s.

Will their souls be at ease when you get your s?

We'll find out soon enough .

I'll found out soon enoug h.