Standard (EADGBE)

Verse strum

He wakes up in the morning

Does his teeth bite to eat an he's rolling

He never changes a thing

The week ends the week begins

We look at each other

Wondering what the other is thinking

But we never say a thing

And these crimes between us grow deeper

In concerts (including RTT) , DMB skips this, but it is played on Under the Table..

Continue verse strum, and sing

Take these chances

Place them in a box/Until a

quieter ti me

Lights down you up and die

Start verse strum on "die"

Goes to visit his mommy

She feeds him well

His concerns he forgets them

And remembers being small

Playing under the table and dreaming


Take these chances

Place them in a box/Until a

quieter time lights down you up and die

Start verse strum on "die"

Driving in on this highway

All the little ants are marching

Red and black antennae waving

They all do it the same

They all do it the same

Do an entire measure of verse strum on "way"


Candyman tempting the thoughts of a

Sweet tooth tortured by weight loss

Program cutting the corners there's a loose end loose end

Cut Cut

On the fence so not to offend

Cut Cut


Take these chances

Place them in a box/Until a

quieter time lights down you up and die

Start verse strum on "die"

Solos alternate between chorus and verse strums

finish on

Lights down you up and die

Ants Marching

Dave Mathews Band

Under The Table And Dreaming and Remember Two Things

After watching the HOUSE OF BLUES performance many times on tape and in


here is what I have come up with


He wakes up in the morning

Does his teeth bite to eat and hes rolling


You can cheat and play DDG / GGD

Those areactually the chords Boyd plays along with dave on the fiddle


Take these chances


Back to the DDG/GGD for the verse

Follow the DDG/GGD until...

(top three only!)

Repeat for

Red annd black antenna...

they all do it....

Back to DDG/GGD for candyman....

I can not for the life of me figure out the little shuffle that Dave plays in

the verse in between the D and the G

I think it goes a little something like this.

I have tried for a long time and that's all i can get

Any corrections are appreciated as well as any other DMB songs especially

Tripping Billies. Someone figure that one out.... please!?!